Bonnet Toyota Hilux Rn30 Rn40 1979 - 1983 Product code: E0001369 KES 14,000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Add to Cart Genuine parts 14 day returns Click & collect Free delivery* Product details SKUE0001369 Manufacturer NHI Applicable vehicles Toyota Hilux (1979-1983) Share this product Tweet about this product Share this on Facebook Share this via WhatsApp Pin this with Pinterest Share by email Copy page link Reviews Leave a product review Title Score Your comments Name Email Save review or cancel You may also like Bonnet Hood Lock Toyota Hilux P/up Rn30 Rn40 … KES 1,500 Bonnet Toyota Ke30 1976 - 1979 KES 11,000 Bonnet Toyota Corolla Ke75 1982 - 1983 KES 9,000 Bonnet Toyota Corolla Ke76 1983 - 1984 KES 9,000 Bonnet Nissan Datsun A12 1200 1971 - 1983 KES 13,000 Bonnet Toyota Hilux Yn55 1984 - 1988 KES 13,000